Friday, March 31, 2006

Fear does have a purpose

Great post John Michael... I'd like to add the following: Courageous people
experience fear all the time, but they do not let it stop them from pursuing
their dreams/goals....

If I had let fear stop me 6 months ago, i would still be renting instead of
owning three properties, I would not have started my own LLC, and I would not
be about to close on my fourth property next week! I would not be planning on
quitting my $90,000 a year job within 3 years to invest in RE full time
while living off the net profits from the business.

Without fear there is no courage...
remember that next time you feel fear, it is what it is... an emotion and
nothing more, it a point of decision, make the right one! Our lives are shaped
by the choices we make.. even when we choose not to choose... that is a

you have a choice to either operate in courage or be discouraged... in other
words to allow fear to make choices for you... or to see fear for what it
is, an emotion to make you pause... don't get stuck in the pause.. move

- annakaela@...

RE Fear is a great motivator

Fear can become your biggest asset!

Fear can be a draw back when seeking an education in real estate investing but
you can turn this fear into one of your biggest assets.

How many times have you wanted to get into real estate, only to have that
voice in your head say:

It won't work!
It's a scam!
It cost too much!
I can't afford it!
I can't do it!

Or even worse, you shared your dream to become an investor with others and
they say:

It's a scam!
I tried it and it did not work!
That's silly!
You can't do that!

It all comes back to The "Haves" and The "Have-Nots".

The "Haves" operate with:


The "Have-Nots" operate with:

Fear of the Unknown
Lack of Education
Poor Self Control
Fear of Success
World of Scarcity
Low Self-Esteem

All of us at some point in life have listened to voices of caution when it
comes to following dreams of success. If you and others around you question what
you do and thing, and you veer away from making decisions you are simply
stopping yourself from reaching your fullest potential as an investor.

You are allowing this self-doubt and doubt from others to squeeze out your
creative energy and inspiration that will make you a success.

So what is stopping you from making that important decision in selecting a
real estate education?


Fear is the greatest single barrier to success as a real estate investor. The
emotion of fear is intended to warn us of danger and to act as a cautionary
tool. It should make us stop and think before acting. Not to squeeze out your
creative energy and inspiration that will make you a success.

What fear shouldn't do is dictate the course of action you take. It shouldn't
control or shape whom you are or what you want to achieve as a real estate

On a conscious or subconscious level, all of us have felt the impact of fear
in our lives. Whether it is the fear of making a decision, the fear of failure,
a fear of what other people will think, or the fear of success - the
consequences are the same.

Fear leads you to stop trying new things. Your comfort zone pulls tight around
you and is rarely pushed further out than it needs to be. You feel stale,
lethargic and wonder what's missing in your life. Your creative energy is
replaced with a survival instinct. On a subconscious level, you start to really
believe that you aren't good enough, or that there's no way possible that you
can achieve becoming a real estate investor. On a conscious level your body and
mind responds to being fed negative statements.

So what are you afraid of?

What stops you from taking the next step forward that will keep you on the
path of achieving your goals?

It's a low level of self-confidence and self-esteem that makes you feel
unhappy about yourself. Because your thoughts are based on feelings of
inadequacy, you set your boundaries and standards very low and achieve little in
your life.

The emotion of fear is part of being human. It's perfectly normal to
experience misgivings and doubts!

Fear will never go away no matter how self-confident or successful you are!
The key to overcoming fear is to feel good about yourself and think
positively. Avoid negative people and then use that same energy that fear
creates and turn it into positive energy in your life.

Only then can you turn indecision and fear into power and action.

You have simply to choices to make one is to live your life in the arena of
The "Haves" or The "Have-Nots".

Will you be a success? One will never know if you do not take the risk and
seek out your dreams of becoming an investor.

Will you fail possibly so but with knowledge you can limit failure.

You now have two simple choices!

Choose education


Choose not to educate! You simply make no change! Life goes on as is!

John Michael
Toll-Free: 1-877-225-5928 & enter 4178623164
Office - (775) 535-1341 & Fax - (775) 307-6541
Email: or
JMichael Investments:

Fear is a great motivator

But it should not lead your life.

I, personally am never lead by fear. However, there is a great difference
between fear being lead by fear and intelligent motivation.

Fear can keep you from doing something harmful like jumping off a cliff to
deep waters below. Intelligence will make you examine your fears and do a
reality check to see if: other people have done it? What were their success

Was anyone harmed in doing it before you?
This would be intelligent motivation put in place by the initial fear.
That is what I do.
That is why I do my research.
I do not allow fear to rule my life, but I do recognized if there are any
valid reasons for fear, and then research those reasons.

It does seem incredible to me that someone, namely DALE, uses the method of
belittling other people when they take another road from the one he would have
them do.

Stop it Dale. We recognize your very immature methods of trying to persuade
people when they are wrong because they do not agree with you.
I would question what the heck you are so afraid of, but I don't want to get
into a pissing match with you. I have seen that it leads nowhere and you never
truly address that issue at hand, you only find a way to call people fearful
and faithless.

Whatever, that's one of your faults that we have all come to recognize.
You need to admit that you personally try to use fear as a tactic to get
people to come to your own side. Why else would you make statements that tell
people they are never going to reach their dreams if they are too scared. That alone
is a scare tactic! So you are the very instigator of what you criticize
others for doing!

Your cover is blown Dale.
Leave well enough alone and move onto something more inspiring.


Saturday, March 04, 2006

How It All Began, Go To Vegas if You Want to Gamble!

Hey guys,

While it usually isn't my style to be "negative" or be on the attack, I can understand the frustration of trying to make a point for or against a system in such a limited medium such as this Yahoo! forum.Our heavy weight forum friends Dale and Phil, for example, can really go at it; and as amusing as it initially was, it can be a bit painstakingly tediuos and redundant at times.

There's no doubt these two passionately support their positions (to say the least). Maybe even to the degree that we have estranged people from the forum... and are slowly drifting from the original purpose of this forum. BUT the back and forth dialog is certainly not in vain - or at least the ORIGINAL intention of how this all began.

Why are we here?

What drew usto an obscure forum on the web about someone even more obscure??

If you're like me, you came to the web for answers to anagging feeling inthe back of your head about a person and his seminar(s) The purpose of this forum is really to help people decide about what to do with their hard earned 6k that they initially were gonna put into James Smith seminars.

Over the past 300+ posts and about 1.5 yrs later, I would hope there's enough personal experiences in the message archiveto achieve that goal.

Personally, I think I have made a decision about what to do with my 6k."Just the facts, ma'am "What is the criteria we're seeking to meet in order for us to feelcomfortable, confident, and ready to invest our hard earned ca$h into aprogram, system, seminar? For me it isn't the person's formal educationor how many homes under his name.

For me if I can't see the actualfigures and performance of past students, then all I have to rely on andsettle for are reviews and testimonials from past students... and fromwhat I find on the internet about the program in question.

Most people can't (and don't want to) take a CHANCE with someone to TRY a system out to see if it works for them.

1. it's a waste of money;'s a waste of time; and
3. no one wants to waste their own resources just to take a chance.

Besides, if you want to gamble, that's what Vegas is for.

The goal is to minimize risk (we can never completelyremove it - that's where some faith is required), so that we are comfortable, confident, and ready to invest/take action/participate in the system.

Does this mean we don't take action in our lives just because we don't "take action" with this program? Of course not. We don't need to talk to the guy or meet him in person to make a decisionabout the seminar(s) he's trying to sell us.

I judge by consistentactions and historical trends - your actions speak louder than your presentation. and the company you keep, tells me enough about how you choose to conduct business.

Does this have anything to do with the knowledge and information that is included in the seminar? not necessarily, sure... BUT you just lost my confidence, comfort-level, and willingness to invest in the system (in the chance that there is valuable information) that you are trying to sell.

HOWEVER, that being said, there have been people who told me theywere taking the program in hopes to find any new tip/trick that can giveyou the boost/edge in the industry - and to them, that would be worth the investment.

Different strokes for different folks...Are there other systems/resources out there that provide the same promise of support and expertise that I am offered by this company?

Where? Who?--> YES. Our next superstar to bat may well be John Michael Real EstateGuru. I hope we can begin to move forward towards sharing the tools, systems,",

I hope we can begin to move forward towards sharing the tools, systems,
personal goals of self-improvement. James Smith and company isn't the only system that claims to bring you closer to your financial goals.