Tuesday, May 30, 2006


From: "Michael Knight"
Date: Mon May 29, 2006 6:23 pm

Dale, I will say one thing about you.  I don't know you, I don't know where you
are from, I don't know what you do for a living, I know you read a lot of books
and watch a lot of movies due to your multiple erroneous quotes that you think
prove a point, but the one thing I do know is that you are a hell of a salesman,
I really can tell that. RE is for salesman. This is about sales. That takes a
certain personality to do effectively, and from what I can tell most people
getting involved in JS and his program do not possess these skills, but they
were "sold" on the fact that REI is for anyone who wants to be rich. Show me
one realtor/REI/broker/etc with no sales skills. I guarantee you that most of
the JS skeptics on this forum do not have sales in their skill set. So the
skeptics here want actual info on RE deals - not addresses, SS#'s, etc, but just
details of deals.

What about that deal made you money?

What angle did you take and why?

What were all of the circumstances that brought you a deal and made you take it?

These are questions the skeptics want answered. That doesn't exist here. You
continue to defend JS until you are blue in the face but instead of talking
about what He taught you we simply hear that unless you have met Him you have no
voice. There are hundreds of thousands of RE people doing business every day
that have not met Him, yet the world keeps spinning. I have asked you before
why this forum is so personal to you. Why do you dissect every negative JS post
sentence by sentence (like you will this one I'm sure), word by word, and avoid
credible RE info, only to boil it down to have you or have you not met Him?
People are simply asking you a little bit about what you were taught by Him to
see if they want to get involved. But you never talk about real estate. You
say meet him, pay 3K, 6K, 20K, whatever, go to a M5, go to the Vegas show, see
JS do it personally. You don't discuss real estate. Notice a theme here? You
are selling JS and NRI. Why? What's in it for you? If you go the route you
have previously and claim to just want to spread the good word then why sell
people on spending money. Why not teach more people, help them, answer their
questions, show them the way, but don't have the end all answer be "meet Him",
talk to people about RE. You are selliing this program. You are selling JS. And
while on the subject of JS, you DID include him in the same breath with Ghandi
and JC in a previous post, so let's get back to earth here. The guy is a hell
of a salesman, and so are you, but why do you incredulously think you have
credibility here? You are just as anonymous here as anyone else so what makes
you the authority here that represents JS and NRI? To quote Dale - "I have meet
Him, I sell RE from what he taught me, you can too." Really? How do we know?
This is why people think you are a shill, and objectively you should understand
why. You say very little to prove otherwise. Honestly, I would guess the
majority of people on this forum see JS and NRI as a scam. Wait, that is too
harsh, not a scam. A program taught by a person who did well that shows others
to do the same. Do they keep records? What percentage of students experience
independent wealth in a matter of years? A solid figure there would sell this
program better than anything else. 1 out of 5, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000,
what is it? The TV commercials for REI (same as this but on TV) say
"non-typical results" when the testimonials fly. This is all sales.

I will say one more thing you will appreciate Dale, a movie quote. This is from
Tommy Boy. "Hey, I can take a shit in a box and stamp it guaranteed, but what
are you buying? A guaranteed piece of shit, that's what you are buying."
The image “http://www.airlinecomponent.com/images/guarantee_stamp.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


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